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Providing comprehensive studies on substations equipment to enable optimal performance and significant efficiency improvement in operations

Smart Asset Management 

Develop smart monitoring system with utilization of real-time monitoring, artificial intelligence, and advanced data analytic 

Advanced Insulation Management

Our main focus is to provide optimal and effective solutions for  insulation management 


We offer the following solutions:


This testing helps our customers identify internal arcing, bad electrical contacts, hot spots, partial discharge, or overheating the conductors


This testing can identify the surface partial discharge, which is the corona, tracking & arcing. With the help of magnetic contact probe sensors, mechanical vibration can also be determined

Internal Partial Discharge (TEV)

TEVs are the current convenient phenomenon for measuring and detecting internal & surface partial discharges as they can be detected without making any electrical connection or removing any panels

SF6 Leak Test

This testing is for locating and quantifying the SF6 gas leakage rate at the switchgear

Trip Test (On-Line Timing)

This type of test is performed to test the breaker in the energized state so that the performance of the first trip can be analyzed. The current profile allows the diagnosis of potential defects in the circuit breaker mechanism

SF6 Analysis

This type of testing checks the reliability of SF6 switchgear in the form of density or gas pressure in the sealed compartments (moisture content, purity & density)

CB Timing Test

This type of testing is crucial in ensuring the readiness of the breaker to perform its duty after the maintenance

Insulation Resistance

This type of testing indicates the relative quality of the insulation system of a piece of equipment

Contact Resistance

This type of testing is primarily to verify that the electrical connections are made correctly and can detect problems such as loose connections, adequate tension on bolted joints, eroded contact surfaces, and contaminated/corroded contacts

Pressure Test

This type of testing is to access the ability of switchgear or objects under test to withstand voltages in excess of its rated voltage at power frequency for 1 minute. This activity is to examine the ability of the object to withstand the voltage

SF6 Laboratory Test

This type of testing is to verify the quality of SF6 gas, which must be constantly maintained as the contaminants can negatively impact the dielectric and arc quenching properties of the SF6 gas inside the GIS equipment

Vacuum Check

This type of testing is primarily to verify that the electrical connections are made correctly and can detect problems such as loose connections, adequate tension on bolted joints, eroded contact surfaces, and contaminated/corroded contacts

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Advanced Solutions

This type of testing is to verify the quality of SF6 gas, which must be constantly maintained as the contaminants can negatively impact the dielectric and arc quenching properties of the SF6 gas inside the GIS equipment

Contact Us


No. 1, Lorong Ayer Itam
Kawasan Institusi Penyelidikan
43000 Kajang
Selangor Darul Ehsan

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+603 8922 5000

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