Asset Performance
Providing niche and advanced solutions covering from cables to street lightings technologies
We offer the following solutions:
Advanced & Exclusive Security Solution for Assets & Building Protection
Customized solution with the holistic and in-depth approach in security and surveillance by leveraging the concepts of deterrence, delay, detection, and fast response.
Assessment, design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of new end-to-end technology and solution with intelligent features [e.g. video analytics and motion detection for intrusion, real-time intrusion alarm notification, and ‘live’ view with a centralized video wall monitoring system].
Exclusive, unique special key ‘Barrel Lock’ Solution For Assets Protection [e.g. metering kiosk, feeder pillar, and other high-risk cabinets].
Cable Services & Consultancy
Cable Ampacity Simulation
Online PD Scanning & Mapping (Underground/Overhead Cable)
heath Integrity Test
Pilot Cable Fault Mapping
OWTS Offline PD Mapping (Underground/Overhead Cable)
VLF Offline PD Mapping (Underground/Overhead Cable)
VLF Tangent Delta (Underground/Overhead Cable)
VLF Monitored Withstand / Pressure Test (Underground/Overhead Cable)
Insulation Resistance Test (Underground/Overhead Cable)
Conductor Resistance Measurement
Electrical Ageing / Heating Cycle (Underground/Overhead Cable)
Short Circuit Testing (Low Voltage Cables & Accessories)
Water Tree Inspection
Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Dielectric Breakdown Test
Surface Tracking Test
Contact Angle Measurement
Climatic Ageing Xenon Chamber