​Cable Design Technology
Our capabilities and proficiency are focused in the following areas:
Advanced Nanocomposite Insulating Material
Duct Filling Medium For Underground Cable Installed Via Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
Backfill Material For Shallow Trench In MV Underground Cable Installation
Cable Laying Techniques Including HDD
Assessment of Pre-Fabricated Joints And Terminations Of MV Aerial Bundle Cables (E.G. Effects Of Outdoor Environment)
Evaluation On Crimping And Mechanical Connectors Of MV Cable Joint
Improvement Of Cable And Joint Design in MV Underground Cable
Advancement in Cable Diagnostics
We specialized in the following areas:
Our capabilities and proficiency are focused in the following areas:
Cable Failure Analysis
Partial Discharge (PD) In MV Cables
Water Treeing In XLPE Cables
Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) In MV Cable
Pin-Pointing Technique And Solutions For MV Cable And Pilot Cable Fault Location
Online Cable Monitoring